Fusing Horticulture & Technology
Gallup & Stribling Orchids has one of the largest plant tissue culture laboratories in the United States dedicated to orchid propagation. We provide full laboratory services to the hobbyist and commercial grower—domestically and internationally. Our investment in the laboratory has enabled us to maintain a scientifically pure and well-curated collection of beautiful orchids to share worldwide.
Fusing horticulture and technology in the laboratory has paved the way for hobbyist and commercial orchid production—Gallup & Stribling is proud to be at the forefront.
Laboratory services include orchid seed germination, cloning by mertistem-tissue culture of Cymbdium, Cattleya, and Oncidium orchids, replating of all orchid genera, and treatment for ploidy change.
Discover more about our laboratory services and techniques. Please contact the laboratory directly prior to sending plant material and to discuss your orchid propagation enterprise.
Contact The Lab
[email protected] | 805.755.8785